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The Rescue Page 3

  Following Jocelyn’s instructions, Wynd and Rom bandaged Marcus’ shoulder and leg using items from the responder kit. While they were doing this, the MAV continued travelling at about ten to 15 miles per hour toward the bend in the river. After they finished the bandaging of the first two wounds, they were able to lay the seat back completely and turn him over and see the other wound. There was a bullet hole on the right side of his back about three inches below his shoulder blade. There was no exit wound.

  “Jocelyn, what do we do about the bullet in this wound?” Wynd asked nervously.

  “The bullet will have to be extracted. Based on the entry wound and trajectory of the bullet, it’s possible that the bullet has punctured his lung. Marcus has plenty of medical supplies at the compound where I’m located. My analysis would be to bandage the wound and upon arrival at the compound, extract the bullet.”

  Hopeful, Wynd asked, “… and then he will be okay?”

  “Statistically, with his wounds and subsequent blood loss, chances of survival are approximately 25%” Jocelyn said.

  “Twenty-five percent!” Wynd let out in a desperate cry. “Isn’t there anything else that we can do to increase his chances?”

  “Based on my calculations and the available factors, Marcus’ optimum chance of survival is to make it to the compound.”

  Already crying, Wynd mumbled, “Tell me how to bandage this and let’s hurry, please.”

  With Jocelyn instructing her, Wynd made quick work of the bandage. After she finished, she sat back in the seat peered out into the darkness. Since leaving Chattanooga, clouds had begun to move in and the sky darkened so the night vision was coming more into play. Wynd could tell that they were travelling a road back that was different from the route the big trucks had taken. This way seemed a lot rougher and the MAV had to adjust its course because of obstacles in the road and other problems. They eventually started up the side of a mountain. Wynd was looking at the computer screen in the front dash and she could tell that they were heading up one mountain and would be travelling several miles and then descending back into the valley and back up another mountain to a spot pinpointed on the digital map as ‘Haven’. It looked like it was going to be a long trip.

  Several times during the trip up the first mountain Jocelyn had to recalculate and plot a course to circumvent some obstacle that was blocking their way. The road had completely given way in one area on the side of the mountain and they had to backtrack for three miles. Wynd looked worriedly over at Marcus. She could see the labored rise and fall of his chest. Hopefully there was someone at their destination that could help, that is, if he survived. He had lost a lot of blood. Finally, they were able to reach the top of the mountain and the travelling was starting to get easier. Twig was still in her seatbelt but was laying crossways across her seat. She was sound asleep. She looked across to the other seat at Rom. He was peering out into the darkness taking in everything. Wynd could tell that he was very shaken by what had happened.

  Still looking at him, she said, “Are you okay, Rom?”

  “I could lie and say that I was but not really,” he said quietly.

  “What’s wrong?” Wynd asked.

  “He’s going to die, ain’t he?” he said with a sniffle.

  “I really don’t know. He’s lost a lot of blood. Hopefully when we get there, someone will be there to help him” she guessed.

  He turned to her with tear filled eyes and said, “Why did he do it? Why would he do it? I don’t understand. Why would a complete stranger risk his life for us? Do you know him?”

  Chapter 10

  Rom definitely was a thinker. Wynd had known him for about six months before they were captured. They were living in a small high school near the Mississippi River. Using the solar generator of the school, they had set up a nice little protected compound of their own. They had close to 20 people living there. They used the school’s green house to grow their food and Rom, who was a child prodigy with computers, had been able to set up a tech center to gather information for them. The arrangement had been going beautifully until the Jackals showed up.

  Unlike now, there had been four trucks traveling with them then. Two were carrying prisoners and the other two were carrying the Jackal henchmen. Wynd’s little group held out for a couple of days but finally the Jackals ran them over and slaughtered half of Wynd’s group in the process. They had filled the one truck to capacity with prisoners and took one truck of men to guard them as they travelled back to their home base they had set up in Chicago. Wynd, Rom, and Twig were the last of the group so they had to stay with the “recruitment” party. They had seen other compounds. People were worried about their own protection so no one ever tried to help them. The Jackals must have a particular destination because they never stopped to challenge anyone else. As Wynd continued looking at Rom, she could see the pain in his eyes as he was dealing with this.

  Fighting back tears, Rom said, “The whole time they were shooting at us on the way down, he made sure I stayed in front of him. Wynd, I just don’t understand.”

  Comprehending his pain, Wynd tried to explain.

  “Apparently, he’s that type of person. Why else would he have even tried to help us? We’ve seen other people since we were captured but none tried to help. I don’t see any other purpose for him to try to rescue us. He didn’t even know you were in the other truck until I told him.”

  With tears in his eyes, Rom turned and continued looking out the passenger window. Wynd turned and watched as they made their way off the first mountain. Like the road up the mountain, there were several obstacles to navigate around and they had to make a couple of detours but finally made it to the bottom. As they began travelling in the valley, they cleared a large wooded area and proceeded through a long field. With the trees to their left, the field on the right looked to be several hundred acres. The road was in relatively good shape, so they were travelling at a decent rate of speed. With a lurch the MAV stopped abruptly and all systems shut down. Even the quiet hum of the electronics stopped. Wynd looked at Rom inquisitively.

  Wynd asked Rom, “Did we just break down?”

  Rom shrugged his shoulders and started to speak but was interrupted by the onboard computer.

  “Please maintain silence until I give the all clear. Thank you” said the feminine computer voice.

  They both shrugged and turned to continue looking out the windows. That’s when Wynd felt it. It was a slight tremor. Then another and another. Something was coming their way. All of the sudden to their left, a giant tyrannosaurus rex burst through the trees and stopped directly in front of them and roared. It looked left then directly at them. It paused for a second, and then continued its trek into the large field. In a few minutes it was out of sight and headed in the direction they had came from. Wynd had seen one before but never one that close-up. She had always wondered what the purpose of the two small arms on the tyrannosaur was. Its legs, head, and tail were massive but it had those little bitty arms. Still, that didn’t make it any less terrifying.

  Jocelyn spoke up and said, “You may resume talking as you desire. Thank you.”

  They continued travelling through the valley and judging by the map, Wynd could tell that they were going to start the ascent up the other mountain shortly. As the mountain approached, they crossed through a small creek and started the ascent up the mountain. Surprisingly, these roads were somewhat clearer and they didn’t face any obstacles or detours. Wynd would periodically check on Marcus and continue to pray for his survival. This mountain seemed slightly smaller than the one they had travelled across earlier. They cleared the top and travelled through several other roads and finally turned off into what Wynd thought was a totally overgrown wooded forest. At first sight, it was overgrown but in actuality there was a well travelled road there. According to the map they were just clearing the perimeter of “Haven” when Jocelyn spoke up.

  “Shortly we will reach our destination. As soon as we have stopped, in
the building on your left, you will find a cloth stretcher with wheels that Marcus has built. You and the boy will need to help Marcus onto it and then take him up the steps and into the house on the right. You should have adequate room for him on the kitchen table. Are my instructions clear?”

  Confused Wynd spoke up, “Are you saying that there won’t be someone there to help us?”

  “That is correct. Marcus is the sole occupant of Haven”

  Wynd turned to Rom with a worried glance. The stress on Wynd was really starting to show. They crossed a bridge over a beautiful stream and as they approached a clearing, she could see a beautiful lake on her left, and she could then see the buildings appear as they approached. They slowed to a stop in front of a large two story log cabin. Rom’s and Wynd’s door immediately opened and Jocelyn spoke again.

  “Please hurry, Marcus’ vitals are in decline.”

  Chapter 11

  Wynd and Rom both jumped out of the vehicle at the same time and ran to the building on the left. It was a barn-like structure which had a little of everything in it. It didn’t take long until they found it. Why someone, who had all the stuff Marcus had acquired, would want this was beyond Wynd’s comprehension. They quickly made their way back to the MAV and with great difficulty they were able to load him onto the stretcher. Marcus was not a small person and he was physically fit. Struggling, they both worked to get him to the front door. The steps were quite a test but they finally made it up to the front door. Wynd turned to open the door but it swung inward without her touching it. Together, they were able to wheel him into the house and stop next to the kitchen table.

  Wynd sent Rom out to bring in Twig while she contemplated how to get Marcus onto the top of the table. Rom brought in the still sleeping Twig and laid her on the large U-shaped couch. Then they both decided to pick up the end of the poles at his head and use some rope to tie it into place. Then, with a lot of effort, they both picked up the other end and swung it up onto the table. They removed the stretcher and then looked around wondering what to do next when Jocelyn spoke again, “Down the hall, past the kitchen on the left is a utility room. In the far right corner is another medical kit with the tools you are going to need.”

  Wynd quickly replied, “You aren’t expecting me to do this are you? I’m not a doctor.”

  “You or the boy will have to do it. There is no one else. I will walk you through it step by step. There is nothing to fear. I have detailed procedures and schematics.”

  Wynd started to protest but realized that there was not another option. The only way to try and save Marcus was for her to do it. After retrieving the bag, using Rom as her assistant, they started. The large screen on the wall showed her how to perform each step and Jocelyn’s voice guided her. Jocelyn was also able to use her sensors to ascertain the extent of the injuries. One bullet had nicked Marcus’ lung and that’s the reason he was having such a hard time breathing. It took over two hours to extract the bullet and to stitch him up. Exhausted, after they were finished, they were able to remove him from the kitchen table and put him in what appeared to be the master bedroom.

  Exhausted, Rom went upstairs, found an empty bedroom, plopped down on the bed, and immediately went to sleep. Although Wynd wasn’t sure of the effectiveness of the medicine Jocelyn directed her to use because of its age, she administered some of it anyway. Finally, confident she had done everything she could; she fell into the recliner, totally spent. By this time, it was approaching noon. Totally exhausted, Wynd asked Jocelyn if it would be possible for her to take a nap. Jocelyn assured her that she was constantly monitoring Marcus and instructed her to sleep. With that, the windows in the house immediately darkened and Wynd drifted off into a much needed sleep.

  Four hours later Wynd was awakened by Jocelyn instructing her to administer more medicine. Marcus’ condition was unchanged. Wynd administered the medicine and once again sat in the recliner and slept again.

  It was approaching twilight when she woke up again. She hadn’t eaten anything for a couple of days and she was ravenous. She decided to try and find something to eat. Looking through the kitchen, she was shocked at the provisions that Marcus’ had stockpiled in the house. He had boxes and boxes of food in the cabinets. She let out a muffled scream when she saw the chicken strips and French fries. Taking the strips, a hot dog meal, and cheeseburger meal, she put them on the kitchen table and went over to the couch. She gently began to wake up Twig. That girl could sleep forever. The first thing Twig said was, “Mama?”

  “No honey, it’s me, Wynd. Are you hungry?”

  She nodded groggily.

  “Do you like hot dogs?”

  “What’s a hot dog?” her eyes brightened. “Is it a puppy? I love puppies.”

  Wynd hadn’t thought about it but Twig was probably only about one when the virus hit. She may have never seen or eaten a hot dog before.

  “You, little girl, are in for a treat. Hot dogs used to be one of the favorite foods of kids. Pizza is the only thing that kids liked better.”

  “What’s a pizza?” asked Twig shyly.

  “Never mind, let’s find Rom and we will eat.”

  Chapter 12

  They stepped in and checked on Marcus’ condition. He was still out of it. Then they went upstairs and found Rom. Wynd thought she was going to have to break up a fight. When she saw Rom, Twig took off running and jumped on him. Rom didn’t take it very well, being sound asleep. Starving himself, Rom quickly got over it and they went back downstairs. Rom was totally ecstatic over the cheeseburger. A couple of months ago, Wynd thought that she had once heard him tell everyone that he really missed cheeseburgers. They all sat at the table and ate like a pack of starving wolves. No one spoke because they were too busy eating. As normal for an almost teenage boy, as soon as he was finished, Rom told everyone that he was still hungry.

  With a cautionary note, Wynd replied, “Apparently Marcus has plenty of provisions right now, but we need to be mindful and not waste anything.”

  “I promise I won’t waste it. Please…..”

  “Let me look and I’ll see if there are any desserts.” Wynd got up from the table and began to search through the provisions in the cabinets. Taking a container down from the cabinet she enthusiastically said, “How would you guys like some chocolate cake?”

  Rom let out a whoop and starting rubbing his hands together in anticipation. Twig just looked at him curious about his excitement. There was enough cake in the container for all of them, with some left over. Rom ate until he looked like he was going to be sick.

  “Aaarrrggghhhh….” he moaned. “I ate too much.”

  “Well, it doesn’t take a little computer genius like yourself to figure that one out,” Wynd chuckled.

  Wynd wrapped up the rest of the cake and put it in a container and left it on the table. “I would really like to look around but I’m kind of afraid to snoop.”

  “Maybe we can ask Jocelyn?” Rom asked.

  “Jocelyn, can you answer some questions?” said Wynd in a tentative voice.

  Instantly there was a reply from Jocelyn. “Yes. I am versed in every known dialect and have access to all available satellite databases. I have a dynamic learning module and am capable of incorporating tendencies of my administrator. What would you like to ask?”

  Shyly, Wynd asked, “Can we look around at the house?”

  Jocelyn replied, “Of course, feel free to explore the house and anywhere outside. If you do venture outside, please use an earpiece so that I can maintain contact with you in the event that Marcus awakens or if his condition worsens. You will not be able to exit the canopy. Marcus terminated a saber tooth cat just a few miles from here. It is nothing to worry about because as long as you are under the canopy, you are safe from any potential threats.”

  “Do I need to learn any special codes to communicate with you, like the one Marcus told me for the SUV?”

  “No. Originally when Marcus brought me online and I was learning his behavior and
tendencies, he would use the codes for me to learn. I no longer have use for them, but Marcus still reverts to them on instinct. As he tells me often, ‘Old habits die hard.’ If I don’t understand a request, I will ask you to rephrase.”

  “Thank you, Jocelyn.”

  “You are welcome. Since we haven’t been officially introduced I would like to verify your names. From previous conversations I would ascertain that your name is Wynd, the young boy’s name is Rom, and the little girl’s name is Twig. Is this correct?”

  “Yes, you are correct. My name is Wynd which is short for Gwyndolyn. I think Rom’s name is Bobby but I’m not sure.” Rom was nodding his head up and down. She continued, “He says that is correct but he normally only goes by Rom and Twig is the only name I know for the little girl.”

  “Thank you. Please let me know if you need any assistance.”

  Chapter 13

  Wynd looked at Rom and said, “Let me go check on Marcus and then we will go look around.” She got up and left the kitchen table, walked through the living room, and into Marcus’ bedroom. She walked over and sat on the edge of the mattress next to Marcus. Wynd knew that Jocelyn was monitoring him but she still wanted to make sure. He was still sleeping soundly but he would need more medicine soon. She felt his forehead and she still didn’t think he had a fever. Satisfied, she left the bedroom and went back to the kitchen.

  “Can we go now?” Rom said excitedly.

  “Sure. Don’t touch anything unless I say it’s okay” she said sternly.

  Holding Twig’s hand, they left the kitchen and started down the hall where the steps were that led to the room that Rom slept in last night. On the first floor they found two more bedrooms, a utility room, and a bathroom. Wynd took particular notice of the shower. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a shower. She was dying to know if it actually had hot water. She had begun to think that she would never be clean again. Upstairs, they found two more bedrooms, an exercise room, and another bathroom. In the corner of the exercise room was a large chest. Wynd opened it to find that it was full of children’s toys. The first sight of those caused Twig to squeal with delight. It took only about five minutes and Twig had already found a doll that she wouldn’t part with.